Welcome to our Carleton Heights and Area Residents Association (CHARA)

Carleton Heights and Area Residents Association is a volunteer-run community association. We work with residents, local business and City officials to grow a healthy, safe and engaged community.

We are saddened by the loss of Michael Mack, a past-president and long-time Board member. Mike was the unwavering lead of the Carleton Heights Rink, expertly tending to the ice for families to enjoy all winter long. Mike’s dedication mirrored the efforts of his father who was an avid contributor to CHARA and our community. Our deepest sympathy to his family and friends. He will be missed.

Next Board meeting will be held Feb 25

Please RSVP by sending us an email at info@ourchara.ca and requesting the Zoom link; we’ll share the link with you on Feb 25th, 2025. Let us know if you are interested in helping with our activities and events, such as the CHARA BBQ or supervising the Carleton Heights community rink. We want to hear from you.

Comment on the draft New Zoning By-law

The City of Ottawa is developing a new comprehensive Zoning By-law for approval by Council in 2025. The new Zoning By-law will implement the policies and directions in the City of Ottawa Official Plan to guide growth and development within the city to the year 2046. Provide your feedback directly in the Interactive Draft 1 – New Zoning By-law Text or download a PDF version of Draft 1 HERE and provide your comments to newzoning@ottawa.ca .

Volunteer at the Carleton Heights Rink

Enjoy open air skating this season. With the cold weather upon us, we’re need volunteers to help maintain and supervise the Carleton Heights Rink this season. Volunteers can help throughout the season by helping to clear snow, patch and flood ice, and supervise for safety. If you are interested in helping out to enjoy fun-filled rink activities outdoors this season, contact us at info@ourchara.ca

Climate Ready Ottawa Survey

The draft climate resiliency strategy, Climate Ready Ottawa, is now available for your review. Climate Ready Ottawa identifies actions to address the top risks facing Ottawa and prepare for a much warmerwetter and unpredictable climate. Be sure to have your say on the draft strategy by completing the survey to identify which actions the City should take first and make it easier for residents to prepare for climate change. Climate Ready Ottawa recommends reading the Climate Resiliency Strategy content here at Engage Ottawa https://engage.ottawa.ca/ before completing the survey.

Residential Boulevard Gardening Survey

City staff want your feedback on potential by-law updates related to gardens planted by residents in the City-owned boulevard adjacent to their property. The survey here will be open until December 31, 2024. For accessible survey formats or communications supports (paper, large font, audio, Braille, phone survey), please contact boulevardgardening@ottawa.ca .

More about CHARA

We monitor and report through monthly meetings and minutes, meetings on planning and development proposals, by-law changes and organizes events to bring our community together and support a healthy, safe and sustainable growing community. 

CHARA promotes and makes representation to authorities, for example, the City of Ottawa, the Planning and Housing Committee and the Committee of Adjustment on planning and development. Our association hosts an annual BBQ, holiday events, yard sales and is the main force behind the ever popular, community outdoor ice rink. CHARA depends on volunteers’ good nature (residents and businesses) in order to provide a safe and happy environment.

Our funding comes from contributions from the City of Ottawa, especially the rink, private donations and community events. 

Bytown Fire Brigade driving up in style!
Entertainment provided by Junkyard Symphony at CHARA’s 2023 Community BBQ


We encourage residents to stay up to date on City of Ottawa events, surveys and consultations at ENGAGE OTTAWA.

Current Engagement Opportunities

City Budget 2025 It’s your city, your budget, and we want to hear from you!

New Zoning By-law The City of Ottawa is developing a new comprehensive Zoning By-law for approval.

Residential Protective Plumbing Program (RPPP) and By-law Review The RPPP provides financial assistance for property owners to install protective plumbing devices that help reduce the likelihood of basement flooding and prevent storm water from entering residential properties.

Sewer Use By-law review The City of Ottawa is conducting a review of its Sewer Use By-law.

City of Ottawa Older Adult Plan Consultation The City is engaging in the development of a new Older Adult Plan.

Climate Resiliency Strategy The City is developing a Climate Resiliency Strategy to assess how Ottawa is vulnerable to climate change.

Review of special event by-laws The City is reviewing the by-laws for celebration, recreation, or expression, and special events.

City of Ottawa Service Reviews The City of Ottawa welcomes new and innovative ideas to offer services in a different way or to be more cost-effective.

Affordable Housing We are looking for suggestions to help us meet our goal of creating a city that has affordable housing and is more liveable for all.

Connected city The City is working to increase connectivity, reliability, safety and accessibility to meet Ottawa’s mobility needs.